Saturday, March 26, 2011

Running From Temptation

     Recently, I have thought alot more about how much temptation we all are faced with it each and everyday of our lives, such as, television, internet and things we read and much more. Temptation is a test for us to choose good things instead of bad. Ive seen how satan makes sin look fun by deceiving us, saying that it wont hurt us if we watch this or read this, but it really does bring us down. we need to always have our garuds up to overcome temptation. We all have the wonderful gift of agency to choose good or evil. those who look to god, praying for strength and are obeying the comandments will receive Heavenly Father strengthens that will help them to withstand any temptation. I like a story that I heard from Elder Nuttell while we were on team ups together (being with another companion for the day) and he realated this story of him and his friend to temptation. They were riding there bikes on a hot summer day, near a dam in a rough area of town. Trying to have a fun time out on there bikes exploring a new area, they soon came to a nice relaxing spot accross a river on a hill to hangout for a bit. Not much time later came a couple hornets flying around them, not thinking much of it and seeing that the hornets soon left they went back to enjoying themselves, not much time later a big hornet nest came flying around them. Not lingering any longer they quickly ran down the hill, over the river, running over jagged rocks, stumbling here and there trying to get to saftey, after running way far off in the distance they notice they were finnally safe. This is how we all should act when any temptation comes our way, like Elder Nuttell and the hornets, they didn't hang around, the ran away. when someone or something temps us we need to run from it not hang around or we will fall. If Elder Nuttell stayed any longer he would have been stung. When temptaion comes we need to ask ourselves which side of the line are we on? If we want to be on the safe side, (the Lord’s side) we will do the right thing every time. So when temptation comes, prayerfully think about your problem, and the influence of the Spirit of the Lord will be able you to help you stay on the right side. There is safety for all of us, but only on the Lord’s side of the line.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I've Messed Up, Does God Love Me???

Obedience Helps us Become Who We Want To Be.

     God has a perfect love for each and every one of us. In the scriptures we read over and over again how god becomes angry with the wicked, so how is this showing that god loves us? Well we know his love is perfect, that he requires us to obey his commandments because he knows that only though obedience to his laws can we become perfected. Just as he is perfect. Its like how a parent has complete love for their children and still becomes angry or disappointed in the choices that they know will only bring them down. He has provided us with great council such as the commandments, word of wisdom and much more. He gives us this for our own happiness because he knows that not living by his council will only bring us misery. We must always turn to Christ and listen to the Holy Ghost; then we can feel his love for us, even when we are being disobedient. Christ can always change us. Christ also taught "Not everyone one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Our Father in heaven loves us as does our savior Jesus Christ who made it possible to return and live in heaven forever but we are saved by his mercy after all we can do. God is perfectly just and through Christ we can be made perfect. May we strive to always chose righteously and receive blessings from our Heavenly Father who truly loves each and every one of us. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Delete Keys In Our Lives

     I’ve thought a lot about the importance of staying busy, when we are working our minds are focused on productive things that build us up. Work keeps us busy and away from temptation, but thoughts might come in our mind that can distract us from our true goals, we are blessed to have "delete keys" in our lives to reinvite wholesome thoughts by inviting the spirit in our lives by saying a prayer, read the scriptures or thinking of a favorite hymn. Your mind is in charge, when some unworthy thought pushes its way into your mind; replace it with your "delete key". Worthy music is powerful and can help you control your thoughts. I’ve noticed it a lot when I choose uplifting music such as hymns; I feel a warm, comforting spirit that helps me truly want to be better. We can feel the spirit at church, but we need to take on the challenge in providing an environment that spirit can be felt daily. In D&C 88:63 the lord gives us hope saying Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. If we draw near unto the lord the blessings will pour upon us, we just need to invite him in our lives by surrounding ourselves in a spiritual environment. this does not however eliminate trials, but helps us get though them President Dieter F. Uchtdorf explains it perfectly, along the way we experience more bitter trials but also more sweet spiritual growth until, ultimately, those who endured to the end will be “received into … a state of never-ending happiness. May we always have that be our goal to endure to the end, get over these earthly hardships, being faithful to the end to enjoy the many blessings of heaven.